Externalizes foundation through network of opportunity.

Line 3 Martyr – Stairs from 1st to 2nd level (transition between levels).Hermit, the natural, internal creativity, just doing their own thing, leave me alone, shyness/ boldness, others need to break barrier first, always noticed, here to get the calling from the tribe, looking for harmony, unsure of skills until further development, about timing. Line 2 Hermit – Window on first level of the house.

Investigator, insecure until an authority, introspective – will listen in order to learn, research and study driven, secure foundation for what can be spread tribally, fundamentals/ details.

Additionally, we may find that we really understand and connect with others with the same profile, or the same Profile lines – even if they’re a different type. A 1/ 3 Projector has a different path and way of being than a 2/ 4 Projector, for example. We share certain characteristics with others, like those with the same Type and Authority as ours, but Profile takes us on very different paths. Think about it like this: Profile is how we go about life. Similar to signs in astrology, a person’s Profile is like the costume they wear while learning to play specific roles in their life. Your bodygraph gives many lenses to understand and experience the true self.

We are here to love ourselves deeply, and this shows us the path. This awareness of the profile allows a person to step more fully into what is natural for them, their way of being, and to release what is not natural for them and not how they are designed to operate. Profile is also an important aspect to be aware of in the bodygraph. Aura Type, Strategy and Authority are the most important awareness tools to experiment with and are the foundation of living your design.